Booking Types

You can configure separate Booking Types (or categories), which define the rules for PC bookings created for the Type.

For example: libraries have separate types for Patrons and Visitors, with different rules for each of these booking types.

Booking Types are also used in the statistical reports

To configure the Booking Types used for PC Bookings:

  • Choose Content Management from the top menu bar

  • Select PC Bookings (this link may have a different name depending on your menu configuration)

  • Choose the Booking types link

To create a new booking type click the Add booking type link

To modify the settings for a booking type click the Edit link to the right of the booking type in the list

Settings include:

This field indicates if this booking type has a charge. For example some libraries do not charge for internet access but charge for word processing.

Booking type only visible to edit users
This field can be useful. For example you may want a booking type for PC Maintenance. You may only want specific users able to book out a PC for maintenance. If this field was set to YES then the booking form would make this booking type available to power users only. For more information on power users see administrator documentation.

Include booking type in booking statistics
The booking system gives booking statistics by booking type. You may have some usage types that you may not want included. An example could be PC maintenance.

Display print link for booking slips
The booking page will display a link for printing booking receipts through a transaction printer..

Display telephone field
The booking page will display a field for the patron telephone number.

Booking link colour
This is the text colour of bookings on the bookings sheet.

Display booking type on booking sheet
If this is enabled, the name of the booking type (eg genealogy, internet etc) will be displayed underneath each booking on the PC bookings page.

Allow web bookings
If this is enabled, this booking type can be booked through the public/patron web self bookings page.

Limit on future web bookings per person
This parameter can limit how many bookings a user may make via the patron self bookings

Booking link colour
This will customize the colour of the links on the booking calendar.

Client software parameters

Client software bookings enabled
This parameter indicates if the booking type can be booked by the booking client software for Windows.

Show log off button
This hides or displays a log off button on the booking software (Windows log off).

Show Shutdown button
This hides or displays a log off button on the booking software (Windows Shutdown).

Booking mode

Barcode mode

  • Available computer - Patron can self book using barcode.

  • Booked computer (booking contains barcode) - Patron can self checkin using barcode.

  • Booked computer (booking HAS NO barcode) - Staff must checkin patron via intranet.

Mixed mode

  • Available computer - Patron can self book using barcode.

  • Booked computer (booking contains barcode) - Patron can self checkin using barcode.

  • Booked computer (booking HAS NO barcode) - Booking generates session PIN. Patron must be given PIN to use computer.

PIN mode

  • Available computer - No self bookings, patron must book via staff.

  • Booked computer - Booking generates session PIN. Patron must be given PIN to use computer.

Number of minutes a patron is locked out from rebooking a self booking PC.
This parameter applies to computers that are self booking. This parameter can stop a user from immediately rebooking a computer when the session finishes. This might be used with a "15 minute" computer. You may want a "cooling off" period to allow other users to access the computer.

Maximum time that can be self booked in day. 0 means no limit.
This is a limit on the amount of time patrons can book themselves in a particular day. There is no restriction on bookings via staff.

Number of minutes until unfulfilled bookings are cancelled on self booking computers.
This parameter applies to computers that are self booking. Bookings can be cancelled after a designated number of minutes if the booked person does not show up.

Self bookings can be extended
This parameter applies to computers that are self booking. Before the end of the booked session, the user will be offered an extension of the booking.

End of session warnings
This parameter applies to computers that are self booking. Up to 2 warnings can be customized. The number of minutes indicates how may minutes before the end of the session the message will appear. 0 minutes will disable a warning. The text of the warning can be customized in the text box.